Thursday, May 14, 2015

Sethe's Tension

The article Revisions, Rememories, Exorcisms argues that Sethe’s actions reveals her inner tension, and that reveals the general theory of peace through music . I agree with this article. First, Sethe has been through several life experiences which formed her opinion about whites; her family’s experiences have also allowed her to form this opinion. However, she doesn’t want Denver to be exposed to these opinions, so she limits her talks to Denver. As the article states that “life-supporting fictions can easily be destroyed by facts which shatter the protective formulations”, Sethe wants tprotect the innocent Denver. However, the article says something which I disagree with; the passage says that a “in a classic slave narrative...the pathos of separation receives attention rather than personal relationships themselves”. In my opinion, this isn’t true. The personal relationships create the bonds and deeper themes of the story, and not really the “pathos of separation. The psychoanalytical lens allows us to observe this relationship between close characters, such as Sethe and Denver. From a mother-daughter relationship, it appears that Sethe cares for her daughter and doesn’t want Denver to be influenced by the dirt of the world. The article seems to agree with this, stating that “the sensitivity and complexity of human interaction”, causes certain bones to be left undug for the best. The truth might set someone free from a burden, but the truth may also push someone over the edge of life, causing overwhelming feelings. This article helped me better understand sethe and her character through a psychoanalytic lens. Through this article, I saw that sethe was internally broken and misunderstood. With her family's past at sweet home, she was left scarred and broken. Also, I understood that Denver was broken because of this past, but Paul d was there to help guide Denver away from her mother's pain. Since Denver and sethe are so close, it makes sense that their feelings are almost synchronized. This helps ys understand the mother and daughter bond, as the article says. Throughout the book, we see non verbal relationships such as Denver and sethe. They both share the pain and happiness, but this raises the question. Is Paul d simply interrupting a relationship?

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