Monday, March 16, 2015

I decided to analyze Beloved through the post colonial criticism. I chose to read through this perspective because I am passionate about social justice, and I want to focus on the interaction between the African American community, and their struggle to overcome adversity and challenges that slavery caused. No one has the right to own another person, and no race or culture is inferior to another, yet there was a time that this was considered acceptable, and it still something we struggle with today. The Untied States is considered a "melting pot", where there is a diverse cultures and ethnicity, however the amount of discrimination in our nations's history is horrific. The consequences of slavery lasted for years after, and only started to be given true change during the 1950s. Post colonial’s focus analyzes the “colonization” of a community to another, and during this time period the inferiority that whites felt towards African Americans resulted in years of inequality and injustice. While reading, I am interested in how how a person’s cultural background influences their interactions with other characters, and how it will affects their choices in the story. I want to analyze how different cultures  are portrayed towards each other in the story,  and how this affects each character’s actions. Though post colonialism studies the cultural interactions within literature, it also relates to present day. Today in 2015, we still see racism and injustice just as it was in the 1860’s just “differently”.  By reading the story through a post colonial lens, it analyses the effects of slavery and how hegemony and slavery in the past still affects our society today.

1 comment:

  1. I like how you talked about social justice. I also find it interesting how you chose post colonial criticism because I thought you would do feminism or something on the terms of rights for woman. I like how you mentioned the melting pot. I just learned new vocabulary because of you!
